
lifestyle | food | products | portraits

Bringing Your Vision into Focus

At Atwater Studios Inc., we excel in capturing the essence of lifestyle, the allure of food, the sophistication of products, and the soul of portraits. Armed with state-of-the-art technology and driven by boundless creativity, we transform your vision from its initial spark to its final, polished glory. Elevate your brand with imagery that doesn’t just grab attention—it moves you.

Every production is unique. We work with you in whatever capacity necessary to make sure we get the shots you need.


Custom Sets & Props

We’ve got several residential sets in house but if there’s a space you want to create that doesn’t exist, we’ll do that, too.

Food Styling

We work with the best food stylists in the business. Bring us your sandwiches, steaks and ice cream. We’ll make it look great.

The right talent make a difference. Whoever you’re looking for, we can help you find them, any age, any look.


Hair & Makeup

The devil is in the details. We have MHU artists on call to make sure your talent looks perfect.


Knowing how to take the captured image and turn it into the final image is an art in itself. Let us take care of that for you.

Let’s make something great together.